I decided my sweater would be Lea by Marzena Kołaczek. The pattern fit perfectly with no adjustments. I would highly […]
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Swatching Along the Way
One more step on my way to a sweater… I knit a gauge square using size 4, 5, and 6 […]

Measuring Grist
The yarn dried super fast overnight. So now I’m weighing each skein, taking a wraps-per-inch measurement and approximating the yardage. […]

14 Skeins of Yarn
Haven’t updated on this project in forever because it’s been the same process 14 times. I finished making Sheep #1 […]

Experiments in Dyeing
Spent the evening doing a small batch of one-off colors. I think the faded purple is my favorite, but I […]

Spinning the Romney
I am so excited to start spinning. The wool is shedding a little bit of dust on me, but the […]

Nice and Clean
Sheep #1 (Theo from Mae Be Farm) washed up into a soft creamy color with greys/browns. I immediately used my […]

Springtime Neckwear
The gradient I dyed the other day became a lovely color shifting cowl, and some kits for my booth. I […]

Cleaning the Fluff
Making progress. I made simple mesh bags to keep the locks separated during washing. I only had red tulle in […]

Raw Romney Fluff
So virtual fiber festivals are a thing I discovered last weekend…I bought 4 pounds of raw Romney wool from 2 […]